The media has made many reports about entrepreneurs. Some may be true, some don’t. Here are myths 5 about being entrepreneurs.
Myth # 1: Entrepreneurs only care about making money
Many people think entrepreneurs do what they do strictly for money, and that taking risks is about entrepreneurial personal gifts.
While afraid of poverty or the use of money as a score card may have relevance – and of course there are, some entrepreneurs focus mainly on financial benefits – generally, money is not the main motivator for the majority of entrepreneurs.
Many successful entrepreneurs do not undergo a luxurious lifestyle that reflects their financial success. Their motives are often more about ego and emotions. For most entrepreneurs, money is just a way to keep the score.
Money is also a way to make bigger and more attractive offers. Sensation of challenges, new idea motivation, and the risks involved have more power to motivate entrepreneurial spirit than money.
Myth # 2: Winning means other people lose
You may have heard of people talking about success in business as “on the back of someone else,” suggests that if an entrepreneur wins, other people have to lose.
This attitude makes it look like the only possible result from the business deal is having one side of the win and the other side loses. The point is produced is zero. This is sometimes referred to as the “Zero-sum game.”
Employers are creative and expansionic thinkers. Instead of receiving zero-number results, and, contrary to the myth that the success of a businessman comes at the expense of others, entrepreneurs often try to find ways that can be won by both parties.
Myth # 3: The greater the risk, the greater the prize
This myth is always forwarded to young entrepreneurs as an economic gospel. Theoretical relationship between risks and gifts by chance, and then only in certain situations.
Risk is a relative concept. Everything is the same, the real risk is modified by knowledge, experience, hard work, passion, and unexpected circumstances. Applying knowledge to any investment can change the risk profile.
Equally important in considering risks, risk perceptions are often different from reality. What people consider high risk may be from other people’s perspectives. Who can say what is a great risk or good gift?
Myth # 4: As an entrepreneur, you can get rich quickly
Have you ever heard of Dotcom millionaire? In the internet world, it looks like people get rich overnight. But always remember that things often look easier than before.
It seems to you that entrepreneurs make a large amount of money, but do you know that there is a lot of hard work before he succeeded. Think twice about being entrepreneurs, if you think you can get rich quickly.
Myth # 5: Good Business Plan is a Map of Critical Warmanawan Road Towards Success
Venture capitalists often make the main criteria business plan in deciding whether to fund new companies or not. Business educators often talk about business plans like they are the Bible of Business Success. The theory is that the better and more complete business plan, the better the business. This is myth.
While having ideas or goals is very important, believe that you can create a structure, believe that you can make a structured business plan that will bear the time or place it is only naive. In the real world, it is rare.
Business plans can be useful for the initial tool, but they must be used only as guidelines. Experiments and errors, luck, creativity, flexibility, and adapting to unexpected developments in the end is what makes entrepreneurship efforts succeed.